Fun weekend. My friend Jeff got married to Sofia, a lovely gal that hails from Mexico. As such, the wedding was in her home town of Guadalajara. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, so I’ve no pictures. (well, there is one lame attempt with my phone, but its a last second oh-yeah-my-phone-has-a-camera shot that isn’t all that good.) Perhaps others will put some up and I can just link them.
Lots of neat little differences between the two cultures in the celebration of marriage, but still quite familiar over all. They listed a handful of these in the program, but I forgot to take a copy so I’m working from memory here. Perhaps the most notable to us from the states is that they don’t do rehearsals. Also instead of clinking silverware to glasses, they had a phrase they chanted.
Then there was the Mariachi bands. The night before the wedding, a bunch of us went with Jeff to get a Mariachi band so he could serenade his fiancée. The next day, another one played for a time at the reception. You can tell that these bands are a big part of the culture both by the number of them, and that most people seem to know the words sung. (course I’m guessing a bit there, not knowing spanish, its hard to say how well people were signing along.)
I do need to note, real mexican food heaps great shame upon the stuff up here in the states that carries the same label. Which I guess should be expected, but going to mexican restaurants around here will now forever be a bit of a let down.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. Best wishes and highest happiness for both Jeff and Sofia in their union.