While poking around looking for ideas to mess with my NXT, I happened across LEGO Digital Designer. I had heard of it before, but never really thought much of it. Not having much else I wanted to do, I downloaded it. Figuring that I would at least use up a couple hours trying to model some NXT sets. And so I played, and it was fun.
I should mention here that I also follow Brothers Brick, and the posts about mini-spaceships always caught my eye. This naturally came to mind while I was playing with LDD. So I gave a go at building some. Pretty easy in LDD. There had been a handful of warnings here and there about part selection that I was, up until this point, happily ignoring.
There is this little icon on the tool bar, of a brick and a globe and an arrow connecting the two. I was curious. I am really trying to imagine how I was supposed to say no when I got bounced to a web page asking if I would like to buy the set I just designed. I mean really. Design my own set and get the parts for it without having to scrounge them from other sets? Totally must do, totally.
So I did.
And here it is, unopened:
Then built: